Summer Term 2012
Date | Lecture | Location &Time | |
12.04. | BCCN | Eugene Izhikevich, Brain Corporation, San Diego "Large-Scale Modeling of the Brain" Host: Andreas Herz |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 17:00 |
16.04. | GRK | Mike Mustari, Wahington "Neural Mechanisms for Smooth Pursuit in Normal and Strabismic Primates" Host: Stefan Glasauer & Ulrich Büttner |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
23.04. | GRK | Hermann Müller, Giessen | LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
30.04. | GRK | Daniel Braun, MPI Tübingen "Risk-sensitivity in motor control" Host: Stefan Glasauer |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
07.05. | MCN | Harald Luksch, Lehrstuhl für Zoologie, TU München "The vertebrate midbrain - cells, circuits, concepts" |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
11.05. | BCCN | Ian C. Bruce, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada "Modelling power-law adaptation and fractal fluctuations in excitability of auditory nerve fibers" Host: Werner Hemmert |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.027 10:00 |
14.05. | GRK | Pieter Medendorp, Radboud University Nijmegen "Sensory integration in state estimation and motor learning" Host: Stefan Glasauer |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
21.05. | SFB | Martyn Goulding , Salk Institute, La Jolla, California "Making Mice Behave Badly: Functional Dissection of the Neural Circuits that Control Movement" |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 17:30 |
04.06. | MCN | Arthur Konnerth, TU München "Functional mapping of dendritic spines in cortical neurons in vivo" |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.015 18:15 |
11.06. | GRK | John van Opstal, Donders Centre for Neuroscience, Radboud University Nijmegen "Dynamic probabilistic control of visual, auditory, and audiovisual saccades" |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
18.06. | BCCN | Henning Scheich, Leibniz Institut für Neurobiologie Magdeburg "The cognitive auditory cortex" Host: Leo van Hemmen |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
19.06. | Henning Scheich, Leibniz Institut für Neurobiologie Magdeburg "Multimodal integration in electric fish: The importance of the right context" Host: Leo van Hemmen |
Technical University Munich, Physik Department Garching, HS 3344 10:00 |
25.06. | BCCN | Dirk Jancke, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Host: Thomas Wachtler |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
02.07. | MCN | Martin Korte, TU Braunschweig "Keeping the balance between change and stability: cellular correlates of learning and memory and the role of NogoA" |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
09.07. | BCCN | Mark McDonnell, (University of South Australia) "Stochastic resonance and other benefits of randomness in neural systems: Bridging theory and experiment" Host: Andreas Herz |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
16.07. | GRK | Klaas Enno Stephan, University of Zürich Host: Stefan Glasauer |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
17.07. | BCCN | Andreas Elepfandt, Humboldt Universität Berlin "Lateral-line scene analysis" Host: J. Leo van Hemmen |
Physik Department, TUM, Seminar Room 3024, Garching 15:30 |