BCCN Retreat, 1-2 July 2013 in Tutzing
Monday, July 1st
- 12:30 Lunch
- 13:30 Coffee and Poster Preview
- 14:00 Welcome and Introduction
- 14:15 Mark van Rossum: "Modeling and measuring synaptic plasticity"
- 15:00 Ansgar Büschges: "The neural basis of motor flexibility: segment and task-specific mechanisms underlie the modification of seemingly simple motor patterns"
- 15:45 Poster Session and Coffee Break
- 17:15 Bernhard U Seeber: "Auditory scene analysis in normal hearing listeners and users of cochlear implants"
- 17:40 Paul MacNeilage: "Systematic biases in human heading estimation"
- 18:05 Christoph Kirst: "Organization of dynamic neuronal excitability"
- 18:30 Dinner, followed by discussions and drinks in the Salons
Tuesday, July 2nd
- 08:00 Breakfast
- 09:00 Israel Nelken: "The coding of surprise in auditory cortex - data and models"
- 09:45 Poster Session and Coffee Break
- 11:15 Hans Straka: "Adaptive plasticity of locomotor efference copy signaling during development"
- 11:40 Klaus Wunderlich: "Decision making in the human brain"
- 12:05 Stefan Weigel: "Local networks in the optic tectum and modulation by the isthmic system"
- 12:30 Lunch
- 13:30 Departure