BCCN/GRK/MCN events winter term 2010/11
Date | Lecture | Location &Time | |
02.09. | BCCN | Karel Svoboda, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA "Optical dissection of the cortical circuits underlying somatosensation" Host: Alex Loebel, Falko Hampel, Hubert Eichner |
T-Building, MPI of Neurobiology 11:00 |
18.10. | MCN | Ed Rubel, Washington "From plasticity to stability of brain circuitry: A lesson from studies of cell death and cellsurvival in the cochlear nucleus" Host: Benedikt Grothe |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
20.10. | CNS seminar | Beatriz Rico, Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante Developmental Neurobiology Unit CSIC-University Miguel Hernández "On the assembly of neural circuits: Neuregulins and GABAergic synapses" Host: Benedikt Berninger |
Seminar Room C0.07 Schillerstrasse 46 Institute of Physiological Genomics, LMU 18:00 |
21.10. | BCCN | Susan Udin, Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, State University of New York at Buffalo "Development and Plasticity of Binocular Maps in the Clawed Frog Xenopus" Host: Leo van Hemmen |
LMU Biocenter, Seminarraum B 03.015 15:00 |
22.10. | CNS seminar | Jason Christie, Max Planck Florida Institute "Calcium-dependent modulation of release by somatic depolarization" Host: Andreas Herz |
CNS Seminar Room: D01.018 (Aquarium) 11:00 |
25.10. | BCCN | Matthias Bethge, Universität Tübingen "An analytically tractable model of neural population activity in the presence of common input explains higher-order correlations and entropy" Host: Thomas Wachtler |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 17:30 |
08.11. | MCN | Laurenz Wiskott, Ruhr-Universität Bochum "Slow Feature Analysis: Learning with the Slowness Principle " Host: Oliver Behrend |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
15.11. | BCCN | Charles A. Miller, Department of Otolaryngology University of Iowa "Responses of auditory nerve fibers to electric stimuli: an overview" Host: Werner Hemmert |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 16:00 |
15.11. | GRK | Jean Blouin, Neurobiology and Cognition Laboratory CNRS, University of Provence, Marseille "Vestibular control of arm movement" Host: Stefan Glasauer |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 17:30 |
29.11. | BCCN Double Lecture |
a) Michael Herzog, EPFL Lausanne Impossible Perceptual learning b) Rolf Pfeifer, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich "On the role of morphology and materials in intelligent behavior - the four messages of embodiment" Host: Thomas Wachtler , Harald Luksch |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 16:30 18:15 |
06.12. | GRK | Simon Eickhoff, Aachen "Multimodal imaging of sensory-motor structure, function and connectivity" Host: Marianne Dieterich |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 16:45 |
06.12. | MCN | Michael Frotscher, Universität Freiburg "Role for Reelin instabilizing cortical architecture in the mature brain" Host: Benedikt Grothe |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
13.12. | BCCN | Rüdiger Krahe, McGill University, Department of Biology "Coding of the stimulus envelope in the sensory periphery" |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 16:00 |
13.12. | BCCN | Sen Cheng, Universität Bochum "From grid cells to place cells: A generic and robust principle" Host: Christian Leibold |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 17:30 |
20.12. | BCCN | Greg Stephens, Princeton "Do we click? Speaker-listener neural coupling underlies successful communication" Host: Alex Loebel |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 16:30 |
10.01. | MCN | Michael Shadlen, Washington "Believing and Time: A Neural Mechanism for Decision Making " Host: Benedikt Grothe |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
17.01. | BCCN Double Lecture |
a) John Middlebrooks, University of California, Irvine Spatial Hearing for Auditory Scene Analysis b) Anton Sirota, Universität Tübingen "Slow global and fast local oscillations in neocortico-hippocampal networks : towards the mechanisms of memory" Host: Werner Hemmert , Christian Leibold |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 16:00 18:00 |
24.01. | GRK | Jochen Triesch, Frankfurt "Learning with multiple forms of neuronal plasticity" Host: Christian Leibold |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 17:30 |
31.01. | GRK Double Lecture |
a) Christian Maihöfner, Erlangen Neuropathische Schmerzsyndrome und Neuroplastizität in der funktionellen Bildgebung b) Ruth Ruscheweyh, Münster "Pain modulation by spinal mechanisms" Host: Andreas Straube |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 16:00 17:30 |
07.02. | BCCN | Bernhard Ronacher, HU Berlin "Processing of temporal information in a small nervous system" Host: Jan Benda and Andreas Herz |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 16:30 |
07.02. | MCN | Frank Sengpiel, Cardiff "Experience-dependent plasticity in the visual cortex: how to prevent or treat amblyopia" Host: Grothe |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 18:15 |
10.02. | CNS seminar | Bahmer, Plant, Schaette, Shechter, "Kolloquium „Computational Neuroscience“" Host: Werner Hemmert |
TU München Boltzmannstr. 11, GARCHING IMETUM Hörsaal 9:30 |
14.02. | BCCN | Gilad Silberberg, Stockholm "Dynamics of Inhibition in Cortical and Striatal Microcircuits" Host: Alex Loebel and Andreas Herz |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 17:30 |
21.02. | GRK | Denise Henriques, Toronto "Multisensory interaction in arm motor control." Host: Andreas Straube |
LMU Biocenter, Room B01.019 17:30 |