Principal Investigator
TUM - Department of Animal Sciences Weihenstephan Liesel-Beckmann-Str. 4 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
Research topics
- neural basis of echolocation in bats
- sound localisation and spatial perception
Scientific approach
- electrophysiological recordings from anaesthetized or awake bats
- electrical micro stimulation
- head-related transfer functions and stimulation in virtual acoustic space
Related Publications
- Heinrich, M., Warmbold, A., Hoffmann, S., Firzlaff, U. & Wiegrebe, L. (2011) The sonar aperture and its neural representation in bats. J. Neurosci., 31, 15618-15627.
- Hoffmann, S., Schuller, G. & Firzlaff, U. (2010) Dynamic stimulation evokes spatially focused receptive fields in bat auditory cortex. Eur. J. Neurosci., 31(2), 371-385.
- Firzlaff, U. & Schuller, G. (2003) Spectral directionality of the external ear of the lesser spear-nosed bat, Phyllostomus discolor. Hear. Res., 185, 110-122.