Principal Investigator
TUM Institute of Neuroscience
Biedersteiner Str. 29
80802 Munich, Germany
Research topics
Scientific Approach
We use behavior, modeling, optogenetics, in-vivo electrophysiology
and whole brain functional calcium imaging to dissect learning,
memory and action selection in the larval zebrafish.
Related Publications
Petrucco L, Lavian H, Wu YK, Svara F, Štih V, Portugues
R: “Neural dynamics and architecture of the heading
direction circuit in zebrafish”. Nature Neuroscience.
2023; 26, 765–773
Dragomir EI, Štih V, Portugues R: “Evidence accumulation
during a sensorimotor decision task revealed by
whole-brain imaging”.
Nature Neuroscience. 2020; (23) 85-93
Oteiza P, Odstrcil I, Lauder G, Portugues R, Engert F:
"A novel mechanism for mechanosensory-based rheotaxis in
larval zebrafish". Nature. 2017; 547(7664):
Portugues R, Feierstein CE, Engert F, Orger MB:
"Whole-brain activity maps reveal stereotyped,
distributed networks for visuomotor behavior".
Neuron. 2014; 81(6): 1328-1343
Ahrens MB, Li JM, Orger MB, Robson DN, Schier AF, Engert
F, Portugues R: “Brain-wide neuronal dynamics during
motor adaptation in zebrafish”. Nature. 2012; (485),