Principal Investigator
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders Feodor-Lynen-Straße 19 81377 München
Research topics
- Statistical methods fMRI data analysis
- Function of the hippocampus in spatial perception
- Effects of virtual environments and body position on spatial behavior
- Computational principles of spatial perception
Related Publications
- Hummel N, Hüfner K, Stephan T, Linn J, Kremmyda O, Brandt T, Flanagin VL. (2014) Vestibular loss and balance training cause similar changes in human cerebral white matter fractional anisotropy. PLoS One. 9(4):e95666.
- Fraedrich EM, Flanagin VL, Duann JR, Brandt T, Glasauer S. (2012) Hippocampal involvement in processing of indistinct visual motion stimuli. J Cogn Neurosci. 24(6):1344-57.
- Wutte MG, Glasauer S, Jahn K, Flanagin VL. (2012) Moving and being moved: differences in cerebral activation during recollection of whole-body motion. Behav Brain Res. 227(1):21-9.
- Hüfner K, Stephan T, Flanagin VL, Deutschländer A, Dera T, Karch C, Linn J, Glasauer S, Dieterich M, Strupp M, Brandt T. (2011) Cerebellar and visual gray matter brain volume increases in congenital nystagmus. Front Neurol. 2:60.
- Wutte MG, Smith MT, Flanagin VL, Wolbers T. (2011) Physiological Signal Variability in hMT+ Reflects Performance on a Direction Discrimination Task. Front Psychol. 2:185.
- Hüfner K, Binetti C, Hamilton DA, Stephan T, Flanagin VL, Linn J, Labudda K, Markowitsch H, Glasauer S, Jahn K, Strupp M, Brandt T. (2011) Structural and functional plasticity of the hippocampal formation in professional dancers and slackliners. Hippocampus. 21(8):855-65.
- Fraedrich EM, Glasauer S, Flanagin VL. (2010) Spatiotemporal phase-scrambling increases visual cortex activity. Neuroreport. 21(8):596-600.
- Flanagin VL, Wutte M, Glasauer S, Jahn K. (2009) Driving dreams: cortical activations during imagined passive and active whole body movement. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1164:372-5.
- Glasauer S, Stein A, Günther AL, Flanagin VL, Jahn K, Brandt T. (2009) The effect of dual tasks in locomotor path integration. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1164:201-5.
- Safran MN, Flanagin VL, Borst A, Sompolinsky H. (2007) Adaptation and information transmission in fly motion detection. J Neurophysiol. 98(6):3309-20.
- Borst A, Flanagin VL, Sompolinsky H. (2005) Adaptation without parameter change: Dynamic gain control in motion detection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(17):6172-6.