Principal Investigator
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Faculty of Biology Grosshadernerstr. 2 82152 Planegg-Martinsried
Research topics
- neural mechanisms of visual perception
- visual information in natural scenes
- eye movements and visual processing
Scientific Approach
We take a multidisciplinary approach, using methods from neurophysiology, psychophysics, and computational modeling, to study the neural principles of processing and coding in the visual system and to investigate their relation to the properties of the sensory environment and to perceptual phenomena.
Group Members Associated with BCCN
Related Publications
- Schnaitmann CS, Garbers C, Wachtler T, Tanimoto H (in press) Color discrimination with broadband photoreceptors. Curr Biol
- Kellner CJ, Wachtler T (2013) A distributed code for color in natural scenes derived from center-surround filtered cone signals. Front Psychol 4:661
- Teichert T, Klingenhoefer S, Wachtler T, Bremmer F (2010) Perisaccadic shift as optimal percept. J Vis 10:19
- Michler, F, Eckhorn, R, and Wachtler, T (2009): Using Spatiotemporal Correlations to Learn Topographic Maps for Invariant Object Recognition. J Neurophysiol 102 (2): 953-964.
- Wittenberg, M, Bremmer, F, and Wachtler, T (2008): Perceptual evidence for saccadic updating of color stimuli. J Vis 8 (14): 1-9. ( Abstract )
- Teichert, T, Wachtler, T, Michler, F, Gail, A, and Eckhorn, R (2007): Scale-invariance of receptive field properties in primary visual cortex. BMC Neurosci 8 : 38-38. ( Abstract )
- Wachtler, T, Doi, E, Lee, T, and Sejnowski, TJ (2007): Cone selectivity derived from the responses of the retinal cone mosaic to natural scenes. J Vis 7 (8): 6-6. ( Abstract )
- Wachtler, T, Dohrmann, U, and Hertel, R (2004): Modeling color percepts of dichromats. Vision Res 44 (24): 2843-2855. ( Abstract )
- Wachtler, T, Sejnowski, TJ, and Albright, TD (2003): Representation of color stimuli in awake macaque primary visual cortex. Neuron 37 (4): 681-691. (Abstract )