Symposium: Biophysics of perception, October 23, 2017
Monday, October 23, 2017 at TUM Physik Department, Garching
Symposium (Hörsaal 3)
- 09:00 Welcome and Introduction by Andreas Herz
- 09:10 Ad Aertsen (University of Freiburg) Neuroscience: a long journey from physics to neurophysics
- 09:45 Richard Kempter (HU Berlin) Lessons learned in and from the barn owl
10:20 Coffee Break
- 11:00 Christian Leibold (LMU Munich) From sound localization to hippocampal network dynamics
- 11:35 Jacob Engelmann (Bielefeld University) There and back again: The enigmatic lateral-line map
- 12:10 Horst Bleckmann (University of Bonn) The lateral-line system of fish: Structure, function, and biomimetic applications
12:45 Lunch
- 14:00 Sabine Schwarz (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg) Biological Cybernetics – Journal history and highlights
- 14:15 Reimer Kühn (King’s College London) Cell reprogramming modelled as transitions in a hierarchy of cell cycles
- 14:50 Andreas Herz (LMU Munich) Population vector, quo vadis?
- 15:25 Leo van Hemmen (TU München) Closing remarks
15:45 Coffee Break
Munich Physics Colloquium (Hörsaal 2)
- 16:15 Welcome by Martin Zacharias
- 16:20 Wulfram Gerstner (EPFL Lausanne) What are the learning rules of the brain?
- 17:20 Eugene Chudnovsky (The City University of New York) Spin tunneling and quantum Einstein-de Haas effect
18:30 Dinner at the Physik Department
Technische Universität München
Physik Department
James-Franck-Straße 1
85748 Garching
Directions. There are direct public transport connections from within the Munich area via subway or bus. The Physics Department is located less than 500 m north-east of the subway station “Garching-Forschungszentrum” (terminal stop) of line U6. For more information follow this link.