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BCCN Retreat, 29-30 June 2023 in Tutzing

BCCN Retreat 2023 Foto 
Foto: EA Tutzing

Thursday, June 29

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Hang up posters

14:00 Welcome/Introduction by Andreas Herz

14:05 Anton Sirota - Non-stationary spatio-temporal dynamics in network models and brain activity
14:30 Ruben Portugues - A heading direction network in larval zebrafish
14:55 Tamir Eliav - Multiscale representation of very large environments in the hippocampus of flying bats
15:20 Björn Ommer - Generative AI and Stable Diffusion: Revolutionizing Image Analysis & Synthesis

15:45 Poster Session and Coffee Break

16:45 Lisa Fenk - Active vision in Drosophila
17:10 Thomas Wachtler - Contextual processing and perceptual biases in color vision
17:35 Dennis Nestvogel - State-dependent neural dynamics in health and disease

18:00 Dinner

19:00 Bernhard Wolfrum - Design of cuff electrodes for small-nerve interfacing
19:25 Daniela Vallentin - Neural control of vocal interactions in songbirds
19:50 Wiktor Młynarski - A statistical bridge between normative theories and data

20:15 Get together in the Salons


Friday, June 30

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Bernhard Seeber - 10 years of Audio Information Processing@TUM: Creating, investigating, modeling and improving communication in real-life scenarios
09:25 Wilhelm Wimmer - Cochlear implants: Advanced clinical applications of impedance telemetry
09:50 Benedikt Grothe - Representations of space along the ascending auditory pathway

10:15 Poster Session and Coffee Break

11:15 Tobias Staudigl - On the intersection of memory and navigation: insights from human electrophysiology
11:40 Simon Jacob - The stuff of thought: neuronal representations, neuronal implementations, and neu- ronal revelations
12:05 Dylan Festa - Mechanisms of excitatory and inhibitory plasticity in circuit development and com- putations

12:30 Lunch



Electrical synapses enhance interneuron recruitment in response to coincident excitation
Pepe Alcami

Sensory experience steers representational drift in mouse visual cortex
Joel Bauer, Uwe Lewin, Elizabeth Herbert, Julijana Gjorgjieva, Carl Schoonover, Andrew Fink, Tobias Rose, Tobias Bonhoeffer, and Mark Hübener

State dependency during an active sensing task
Miguel Bengala, Andrey Sobolev, and Michael Pecka

Optimal time interval reproduction in a neural circuit model
Katharina M Bracher and Kay Thurley

Biophysics-based Frequency Domain Pattern Separation of Local Field Potential Signals
Weiwei Chen and Anton Sirota

Cortex-wide high density ECoG and translaminar local field potential recordings reveal rich broad-band spatio-temporal dynamics
Ramon García Cortadella, Gerrit Schwesig, Arash Shahidi, Anna Umurzakova, and Anton Sirota

Structure-enabled origami stretchable electrodes based on 3D printed molds
Fulvia Del Duca, Lukas Hiendlmeier, Reem Al Fata, Inola Kopic, George Al Boustani, and Bernhard Wolfrum

Does mouse pup behavioral state influence V1 and S1 activity prior to eye opening
JaeAnn M Dwulet, Paloma P Maldonado, Christian Lohmann, and Julijana Gjorgjieva

A Uniform and Isotropic Cytoskeletal Tiling Fills Dendritic Spines
Florian Eberhardt, Eric A Bushong, Sébastien Phan, Steven Peltier, Pablo Monteagudo-Mesas, Tino Weinkauf, Andreas VM Herz, Martin Stemmler, and Mark Ellisman

Approaching realism in simulated environments: What level of acoustic detail do we need?
Stefan Fichna, Viola Matten, Steven van de Parm, Stephan Ewert, and Virginia Flanagin

Quantifying Sensorimotor Transformations in Whole-brain Circuits
Shuong Huang, James E. Fitzgerald, and Ruben Portugues

Rapid Prototyping of 2D- and 3D-Microelectrode Arrays (MEAs) for in vitro Applications
Inola Kopic, Lukas Hiendlmeier, Hu Peng, Lennart JK Weiß, Sebastian Schmidt, Annika Weiße, Richard M George, Gil Westmeyer, Christian Mayr, and Bernhard Wolfrum

The neuronal implementation of representational geometry in primate prefrontal cortex
Xiao-Xiong Lin, Andreas Nieder, and Simon N Jacob

Narrowband-gamma oscillations in the mouse early visual system entrain V1 spiking activity and track local image features in natural scenes
Lukas S. Meyerolbersleben, Anton Sirota, and Laura Busse

Inhibitory gating of non-linear dendrites enables stable learning of assemblies without forgetting
M. Maurycy Miękus, Christoph Miehl, Sebastian Onasch, and Julijana Gjorgjieva

Plausibility Testing of Magnetic Motor Cortex Stimulation using Neuronal Cell Modelling
Drishti Nanda, Jonathan Rapp, Han-Jung Chang, Werner Hemmert, and Bernhard Gleich

Frequency-independent anatomical dissection of high-frequency oscillations in the hippocam- pus and entorhinal cortex
Evgeny Resnik, Gerrit Schwesig, Justin Graboski, and Anton Sirota

Self-assembled tubular electrodes for interfacing 3D cell aggregates
Alonso Ingar Romero, Tetsuhiko Teshima, and Bernhard Wolfrum

Target Distance Resolution in the Computational Target Distance Map of Bats
Ali Roustazadeh and Uwe Firzlaff

Spectrally resolved photometry reveals release mode-dependent interactions between acetyl- choline and hippocampal network patterns during sleep
Ricardo M Santos and Anton Sirota

Can inter-modular connections in grid cell networks correct for path integration error?
Avleen Sahni, Martin Stemmler, and Andreas Herz

Reactivation of Sequential Head Direction Memory Traces in Humans
Julia Schaefer, Benjamin J Griffiths, Thomas Schreiner, and Tobias Staudigl

Respiration shapes sleep-oscillations and memory reactivation in humans
Thomas Schreiner, Marit Petzka, Tobias Staudigl, and Bernhard P Staresina

An interface for mulit-scale investigations in freely moving rats
Gerrit Schwesig, Eduardo Blanco Hernandez, Fabian Štoček, Ramon Garcia-Cortadella, Andreas Genewsky, Rizwan Ahmed, Roberto d’Angelo, Vincent Curto, George Malliaras, Jose Garrido, and Anton Sirota

Constructing auditory space: modulation of the spatial map by auditory cues and landmarks
Andrey Sobolev, Anton Sirota, and Michael Pecka

A calcium-based heterosynaptic plasticity rule and its role in synaptic organisation on dendrites
Isabel W Tscherniak, Shreya Lakhera, and Julijana Gjorgjieva

Mesoscopic bursts of oscillatory neural activity reveal distinct processing states during working memory in primate frontoparietal cortex
Xuanyu Wang, Daniel Hähnke, and Simon N Jacob

Top-down Modulation in Canonical Cortical Circuits with Inhibitory Short-term Plasticity
Felix Waitzmann, Yue Kris Wu, and Julijana Gjorgjieva

Investigating the interaction between microsaccades and electrophysiology to understand their joint impact on visual perception in humans
Xiongbo Wu and Tobias Staudigl

Anesthesia changes brain functional connectivity differentially in low and high frequencies
Hamed Yeganegi and Matthias Kreutzer