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BCCN Retreat, 20-21 June 2017 in Tutzing


Tuesday, June 20

12:30 Lunch
13:30 Coffee and Poster Preview
13:45 Welcome and Introduction by Andreas Herz
13:50 Laura Busse - A causal test of V1’s role in visual perception
14:40 Seyed-Ahmad Ahmadi - Deep Learning: Visual perception in convolutional neural networks
15:05 Christian Leibold - Effect of medial entorhinal cortex lesions on the (re)activation of CA1 patterns
15:30 Poster Session and Coffee Break 
17:00 Michael Wibral (Goethe University Frankfurt) - Information transfer and causal interactions – conceptual differences and combined analyses strategies
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Roland Poellinger (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy) - Modeling Cause and Effect: Philosophical and Computational Aspects

Wednesday, June 21 th
08:00 Breakfast
08:45 Opening Statement
09:00 Joseph Halpern (Cornell University) - Actual Causality: A Survey
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 William Penny (University College London) - Dynamic Causal Modelling
12:15 Benjamin Eva and Reuben Stern (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy) - Causal Explanatory Power
13:00 Lunch