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BCCN Retreat 2011 at Kloster Seeon: talks, discussions and more

The amazing venue: Kloster Seeon.



More than 20 PhD Students presented their scientific work at the two poster sessions.



Armin presents his work on fly motion perception.



"Kloster Seeon"



Summer-eve impressions ...



A big group of relaxed scientists  :)



Bernstein Retreat 2011 – Kloster Seeon – Program


Tuesday, May 31

12:30 Lunch

13:20 Welcome & Introduction 

13:30 Jan Grewe

Effects of Neuronal Noise and Population Heterogeneity 
on Population Coding in an Electrosensory System

14:10 Hans Reiner Polder

Modern Methods of Cellular Electrophysiology Advances in Microelectrode & Patch Clamp Electronics

14:50 Coffee Break

15:10 Jörg Conradt

Neuroscientific System Theory: From Neurons to Robots

15:50 Sven Schörnich

The Bernstein Virtual Reality Facility

16:10 Frederike Petzschner

Iterative Bayesian Estimation explains 
Regression and Range Effects in Human Path Integration

16:30 Discussion: Bernstein-II: Projects, Sub-Themes, Transfer-Projects …

16:45 Poster Session

19:00 Barbecue


Wednesday, June 1

07:30 – 09:00 Breakfast

09:00 Peter Nopp

Sound Coding in Cochlear Implants

09:40 Marek Rudnicki

Synaptic Depression in Cochlear Nucleus: A Modeling Study

10:00 Poster Session and Coffee Break

11:20 Daniel Bölinger

Closed-Loop Measurements of Iso-Response Stimuli in the Retina

11:40 Axel Borst

In Search of the Holy Grail of Fly Motion Vision

12:20 Final Discussion

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Departure